The Centre in March
Dear friends, February is ending and spring is around the corner. We are looking forward to the sun-filled days and the activities that the warm weather offers. February at our Centre was a month of seminars on tax returns, but also a month of the beginning of our Czech language courses, launching of our Tykadla club, or open Czech language courses aimed at films and books, hobbies and free time and idioms and governmental offices.
And what have we prepared for you in March?
Courses for Children
We would like to adjust the courses to your needs, and this is why we need your help. By filling out a short questionnaire you can help us open such levels that will fit the majority of you and will fill our groups with children that want to improve their Czech. After collecting the data, we will evaluate all your answers and we will open courses in our Centre at Kounicova 13, Brno.
questionnaireYouth Club
Are you 14 - 19 years old, do you want to meet new friends, play a board game, share your knowledge and skills, or just drink tea and speak about everything and anything? Our Youth club is open for you on Wednesdays from 16:15 to 18:15! Are you afraid of the unknown? No worries! We created a new Instagram and TikTok profile for the Youth Club, where we will gradually showcase activities which you can do at the club. Follow us and find out more.
moreE-learning Courses for EU Citizens
From 18 March until 24 March, 2024, we will start the registration for our online courses for EU citizens. Our online e-learning courses are ideal for all those who cannot attend regular language courses, be it because of time or other issues. The main language of instruction is English. The more advanced level you choose, the more Czech the course will have. Individual tasks aim at vocabulary expansion, mastering of grammar and development of writing and reading.
Easter Workshop
Come and create an Easter wreath from natural materials that will decorate your household and bring into your apartment or house a great spring mood. The workshop will take place on March 15, 2024. We will open the registration on March 11, 2024; 8 people can register.
Apart from Czech language courses, multicultural activities or workshops, we also offer free legal and social consultations. You can book a meeting through our information centre. We provide counseling thanks to our partners, which are the Organization for Aid to Refugees (OPU) and the Brno Diocesan Charity (DCHB). Both organizations, like us, can help you on your way to integration into Czech society.
moreBrno Diocesan Charity
DCHB vám pravidelně poskytuje tlumočení a asistuje při registraci prodloužení platnosti dočasné ochrany a na adrese Tuřanka 115b. Pomůže vám ale také s doprovodem a tlumočením do ukrajinského a ruského jazyka u lékařům po městě Brně. Alespoň týden před termínem tlumočení se musíte navštívit poradnu pro cizince na adrese Bratislavská 58 v budově Celsuz.
moreOrganization for Aid to Refugees
Nestihli jste naše přednášky na vyplnění daňového přiznání? OPU pro vás sestavilo informační letáky, které se týkají daňového přiznání v České republice, které si můžete stáhnou na v CZ, EN a UA jazyce na přiloženém odkazu.
moreThe Centre’s 15th Anniversary
On April 4, 2024, we will celebrate the 15th anniversary of our Centre. We cordially invite you to our premises, where we will prepare an entertaining program. Save the date, we look forward to seeing you!
Project "Providing the Centre for Foreigners of the South Moravian Region 2023-2025", CZ.12.01.02/00/23_008/0000010

And that’s not all!
To find out more about our activities, visit our Facebook , or Instagram.
We wish you a nice day!
The Center for Foreigners JMK team

In březen 2024 , the Centre for Foreigners is Organizing:
1/3 | AIC (English), 13:00 - 17:00, Kounicova 13 | více |
4/3 | E-learning, non-EU: začátek | více |
4/3 | Youth Club Meetings, 16:15-18:15, U0.1 | více |
5/3 | Otevřený kurz: Kultura | více |
5/3 | Tykadla Club | 10:30-11:30, U0.1 |
5/3 | Self-defense basics: women / teenagers | 18:00-19:00, U0.1 / 17:00-18:00, U0.1 |
5/3 | Course: Preparations for Entrance Exams for High Schools | více |
5/3 | How to fill out a tax return (of individuals) – for EU citizens | 17:00, U |
5/3 | Tutoring Club | 14:30-16:30, U0.1 |
6/3 | Youth Club Meetings, 16:15-18:15, U0.1 | více |
7/3 | Czech language courses for children: beginning | více |
7/3 | Tykadla Club | 10:30-11:30, U0.1 |
7/3 | Theatre workshops – course | U0.1 |
11/3 | Youth Club Meetings, 16:15-18:15, U0.1 | více |
12/3 | Otevřený kurz: Vaření, (ne) tradiční recepty, jídlo a pití | více |
12/3 | Tykadla Club | 10:30-11:30, U0.1 |
12/3 | Self-defense basics: women / teenagers | 18:00-19:00, U0.1 / 17:00-18:00, U0.1 |
12/3 | Tutoring Club | 14:30-16:30, U0.1 |
12/3 | Course: Preparations for Entrance Exams for High Schools | více |
13/3 | Youth Club, 16:15-18:15, U0.1 | více |
14/3 | Jarmark neziskovek | více |
14/3 | Tykadla Club | 10:30-11:30, U0.1 |
14/3 | Theatre workshops – course | U0.1 |
16/3 | AIC (English), 09:00 - 13:00, Kounicova 13 | více |
16/3 | AIC (Russian), 10:00 - 14:00, Kounicova 13 | více |
18/3 | Youth Club Meetings, 16:15-18:15, U0.1 | více |
18/3 | E-learning courses for EU citizens | start of registration |
19/3 | Course: Preparations for Entrance Exams for High Schools | více |
19/3 | Otevřený kurz: Studium a systém škol v ČR | 13:00, U2.2 |
19/3 | Tutoring Club | 14:30-16:30, U0.1 |
19/3 | Tykadla Club | 10:30-11:30, U0.1 |
19/3 | Self-defense basics: women / teenagers | 18:00-19:00, U0.1 / 17:00-18:00, U0.1 |
20/3 | Youth Club Meetings, 16:15-18:15, U0.1 | více |
21/3 | Tykadla Club | 10:30-11:30, U0.1 |
21/3 | Theatre workshops – course | U0.1 |
23/3 | AIC (Vietnamese), 10:00 - 14:00, Kounicova 13 | více |
24/3 | E-learning courses for EU citizens | end of registration |
25/3 | Youth Club Meetings, 16:15-18:15, U0.1 | více |
25/3 | Self-defense basics: women / teenagers | 18:00-19:00, U0.1 / 17:00-18:00, U0.1 |
25/3 | Course: Preparations for Entrance Exams for High Schools | více |
25/3 | Tutoring Club | 14:30-16:30, U0.1 |
26/3 | Otevřený kurz: Velikonoce | 13:00, U2.2 |
26/3 | Tykadla Club | 10:30-11:30, U0.1 |
27/3 | Youth Club Meetings, 16:15-18:15, U0.1 | více |
28/3 | Theatre workshops – course | U0.1 |
28/3 | Tykadla Club | 10:30-11:30, U0.1 |