The Centre in May
Dear friends,
April is over and we have to say that we enjoyed it immensely. We celebrated our 15th anniversary right at its beginning and other from that, we have also participated at the Brno Expat Fair and opened weekend courses aimed at the development of career competencies. But that’s not all! We also opened a course in Šatov and a course for teenagers in Brno.
And what have we prepared for you in May?
Courses for Non-EU Citizens (Beginners)
We will open some more Czech language courses for complete beginners. You can register for these courses from May 13 to May 19, 2024 on our website. If you’re lucky and we select you for the course, be ready for 2 to 3 lessons per week. The course has 25 lessons in total. Warning: before you register, you must know your level of proficiency!
moreConversation courses for EU Citizens
We will open a Czech course for you on June 3, 2024. You can register on our website from 20 to 26 May, 2024. These courses are for all citizens of the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA) who live in the South Moravian Region. The courses will take place twice a week according to schedule, and it will last for 5 weeks. In this course, you can practice your knowledge from grammar courses or practice speaking.
Tykadla Club
Club Tykadla is a space for pregnant women and parents with children aged 0 - 3. During these meetings, participants establish and strengthen friendly bonds, meet with experts, attend lectures or workshops and do relaxation exercises.
more (in CZ)Coworking: “Mommy has work” („máma má práci“)
Starting on May 15, 2024, every Wednesday from 10:00 to 12:00, we offer you the opportunity to use our clubroom to write emails, prepare resumes, or any other tasks that require concentration. The Tykadla Coworking will be based on mutual support, where women help each other and take turns babysitting so that everyone can have a moment to themselves. With this offer, we would like to fulfill the needs of mothers who wish to focus on their professional and personal goals while keeping an eye on their baby! Touto nabídkou chceme naplnit potřeby matek, které se touží věnovat svým pracovním i osobním cílům, a přitom mít své dítě stále na dohled!
Information Meeting with Healthcare Professionals
Are you a healthcare professional and would you like to know your options for continuing your medical practice in the Czech Republic? Register for our information meeting with the members of the Dr. Čechov organization and the IPVZ organization on May 26, 2024 from 12:00 to 15:00 in our Centre at Kounicova 271/13 in the U4.1. classroom. The meeting with be in Czech and Russian.
moreEurope Day
Come and celebrate Europe Day with us! We celebrate the 20 years since the Czech Republic joined the European Union. During the celebrations you can attend a fashion show, listen to music and much more. We are looking forward to seeing you on May 9, 2024 from 14:00 to 20:00 on the Moravian Square at Jobst’s statue!
moreBusiness courses
We are preparing a new course in September and October aiming on business support. The following topics will be covered: Legal introduction to business issues The creation of a business idea and its verification The creation of a business plan and handling of finances Marketing and the advertisement of the business In this questionnaire we want to find out if you are interested in this kind of course and at what times it would be convenient for you.
questionnaireProject "Providing the Centre for Foreigners of the South Moravian Region 2023-2025", CZ.12.01.02/00/23_008/0000010

And that’s not all!
To find out more about our activities, visit our Facebook , or Instagram.
We wish you a nice day!
The Center for Foreigners JMK team

In May 2024 , the Centre for Foreigners is Organizing:
1/5 | closed, public holiday | |
2/5 | Theatre workshop | U0.1 |
6/5 | Youth Club, 16:15-18:15, U0.1 | more |
7/5 | Tykadla Club | U.01, 10:30 – 12:30 |
8/5 | zavřeno, státní svátek | |
9/5 | Den Evropy | more |
9/5 | Tykadla Club (special guest Radek Nozar: podpora podnikání) | U.01, 10:30 – 12:30 |
9/5 | Theatre workshop | U0.1 |
13/5 | start of registration (Courses for Non-EU Citizens - Beginners) | more |
13/5 | Youth Club, 16:15-18:15, U0.1 | more |
14/5 | Tykadla Club (special guest Marianna Š.: podnikání, návrat do práce po rodičovské | U.01, 10:30 – 12:30 |
15/5 | Coworking: „máma má práci“ | U.01, 10:00 – 12:00 |
16/5 | Tykadla Club (joga) | U.01, 10:30 – 12:30 |
16/5 | Theatre workshop | U0.1 |
18/5 | AIC (English), 9:00 - 13:00, Kounicova 13 | více |
18/5 | AIC (Russian), 10:00 - 14:00, Kounicova 13 | více |
19/5 | end of registration (Courses for Non-EU Citizens - Beginners) | more |
20/5 | start of registration (Conversation courses for EU Citizens) | |
20/5 | Youth Club, 16:15-18:15, U0.1 | more |
21/5 | Tykadla Club | U.01, 10:30 – 12:30 |
22/5 | Coworking: „máma má práci“ | U.01, 10:00 – 12:00 |
23/5 | Tykadla Club (creative meeting) | U.01, 10:30 – 12:30 |
23/5 | Theatre workshop | U0.1 |
24/5 | AIC (English), 14:00 - 18:00, Kounicova 13 | více |
26/5 | Information Meeting with Healthcare Professionals | |
26/5 | end of registration (Conversation courses for EU Citizens) | |
27/5 | Youth Club, 16:15-18:15, U0.1 | more |
28/5 | Tykadla Club (swap and share) | U.01, 10:30 – 12:30 |
29/5 | Coworking: „máma má práci“ | U.01, 10:00 – 12:00 |
30/5 | Tykadla Club (joga) | U.01, 10:30 – 12:30 |
30/5 | Theatre workshop | U0.1 |
30/5 | SKO: Jak na živnostenské podnikání | |
31/5 | AIC (English), 14:00 - 18:00, Kounicova 13 | více |