The Centre in July
Dear friends,
summer is in full swing, June has gone by very quickly, and we have the summer holidays in front of us. We hope that you are planning at least a few days of well-deserved rest. There will still be plenty to do at our Centre for Foreigners, which is why we would like to inform you about the events in July.
June for us meant the greeting of summer in the park at Špilberk castle and visits of the Korean ambassador and other UNICEF representatives. You can find photos of these events in our gallery.
And what can you look forward to?
Information meeting for LGBTQ+ Community of Foreigners
Are you interested in the topic of registered partnerships, transition, or any other topics connected with the LGBTQ+ community in the Czech Republic? Come and meet us! The lecture is for all foreigners living in the South Moravian region.
registrationYouth Club
With our club for young people aged 14+, you can visit the Rosa Coeli Monastery, relax at a workshop aimed at working with emotions or move your body at a dance workshop. And that’s not all! For more information please follow the social media of the Youth Club.
moreMulticultural Activities
Do you want to meet other foreigners living in Brno or the South Moravian Region? Since our greeting of summer was such a blast, we would like to organize another event where you can come meet new people over food and sport activities. The event will take place at the Brno dam, July 18, 2024 from 2 P.M.
Kozí horka, 14:00Adaptation-Integration Courses
In July we will have in total 5 adaptation-integration courses. Apart from 3 courses interpreted into English, and 1 course interpreted into Russian, we will also have a course that will be interpreted into Mongolian. It will take place on July 28, 2024 from 10:00 until 14:00 and we will be happy if you share this information among your friends. These courses are mandatory by law for certain types of residence permits.
registrationProject "Providing the Centre for Foreigners of the South Moravian Region 2023-2025", CZ.12.01.02/00/23_008/0000010

And that’s not all!
To find out more about our activities, visit our Facebook , or Instagram.
We wish you a nice day!
The Center for Foreigners JMK team

In červenci 2024 , the Centre for Foreigners is Organizing:
4/7 | Youth Club (Stretching with Alla) | more |
9/7 | Youth Club (Trip to Rosa Coeli) | more |
10/7 | Youth Club (workshop: Work with emotions) | more |
12/7 | AIC (English), 14:00 - 18:00 | registration |
17/7 | Youth Club (Film evening) | more |
18/7 | Sport and fun on Brno dam (event) | Kozí horka, 14:00 |
20/7 | AIC (Russian), 9:00 - 13:00 | registration |
20/7 | AIC (English),, 10:00 - 14:00 | registration |
23/7 | Everything You Need to Know about Life for LGBTQ+ Foreigners | registration |
24/7 | Youth Club (Danceworkshop) | more |
26/7 | AIC (English), 14:00 - 18:00 | registration |
28/7 | AIC (Mongolian), 10:00 - 14:00 | registration |
29/7 | Youth Club (Volleyball) | more |