Centre in April
On April 4, 2024, you had the chance to celebrate with us our 15th anniversary. Just as in the beginning, we are proud to have your trust, which is why we look forward to your feedback at feedback@cizincijmk.cz
Spring came, we changed our time from winter to summer and so we slept an hour less. We hope that you are making use of the first spring days and that you will visit us during any of our April events.
And what are we preparing for you in April?
Spring Workshop for Children
Come welcome spring with us at our workshop for children aged 7 and up. On Monday, April 29, 2024, we will be making spring decorations; birds and dolls from natural materials. While we make our decorations, we can talk about traditions connected with the coming of spring.
Lecture: lease agreement and its details
On April 18, we have prepared an expert lecture (as part of the kurzy sociokulturní orientace (sociocultural orientation courses, or SKO)) about important concepts in the area of leasing relations and the content of a lease agreement, mandatory and recommended details of the agreement, the rights and obligations of the renter and landlord and some practical advice. The meeting will be in Ukrainian.
moreAdaptation-Integration Courses
On April 20, you can register for courses interpreted into Ukrainian, Arabic, and Spanish. These courses are educational seminars about Czech society, which help foreigners find their way around the Czech Republic, and learn basic rights and obligations of the foreigner. The majority of foreigners from third countries who received long term or permanent residence in the Czech Republic from January 1, 2021, must attend the course. There is a fine up to CZK 10,000 for those who fail to attend the test.
moreInformation from the Infocentre
If you have temporary protection and you have not requested its extension until March 15, 2024, your protection was valid only until March 31, 2024. If this is your case, you must request another temporary protection.
moreBrno Expat Fair
You can meet us at the Brno Expat Fair on April 13. Here, we will have the space for not only introducing our services, but also to showcase the work we do. Come at 14:30 to the workshop of our career consultant Martina, thanks to which you can discover your career potential.
moreProject "Providing the Centre for Foreigners of the South Moravian Region 2023-2025", CZ.12.01.02/00/23_008/0000010

And that’s not all!
To find out more about our activities, visit our Facebook , or Instagram.
We wish you a nice day!
The Center for Foreigners JMK team

In April 2024 , the Centre for Foreigners is Organizing:
1/4 | Youth Club Meetings, 16:15-18:15, U0.1 | more |
2/4 | Tykadla Club | 10:30-11:30, U0.1 |
2/4 | Otevřený kurz: Práce | more |
2/4 | Tutoring Club | 14:30-16:30, U0.1 |
4/4 | The Centre’s 15th Anniversary | more |
4/4 | Theatre workshops – course | U0.1 |
8/4 | Youth Club Meetings | 16:15-18:15, U0.1 |
8/4 | Beginning of registration: Czech Language Courses for Beginners (Teenagers) | more |
9/4 | Tykadla Club | 10:30-11:30, U0.1 |
9/4 | Tutoring Club | 14:30-16:30, U0.1 |
9/4 | Course: Preparations for Entrance Exams for High Schools | 15:30-18:00, U2.2 |
9/4 | Otevřený kurz: Zdravý životní styl | more |
11/4 | Theatre workshops – course | U0.1 |
12/4 | AIC (English), 10:00 - 14:00, Kounicova 13 | více |
13/4 | Brno Expat Fair | více |
15/4 | Youth Club Meetings | 16:15-18:15, U0.1 |
16/4 | Tykadla Club | 10:30-11:30, U0.1 |
16/4 | Tutoring Club | 14:30-16:30, U0.1 |
18/4 | End of registration: Czech Language Courses for Beginners (Teenagers) | more |
16/4 | Otevřený kurz: Životní prostředí | more |
18/4 | Theatre workshops – course | U0.1 |
18/4 | SKO: Nájemní smlouva a její náležitosti (UA) | více |
20/4 | AIC (Ukrainian), 10:00 - 14:00, Kounicova 13 | more |
20/4 | AIC (Arabic), 10:00 - 14:00, Kounicova 13 | more |
22/4 | Youth Club Meetings | 16:15-18:15, U0.1 |
20/4 | AIC (Spanisgh), 10:00 - 14:00, Kounicova 13 | more |
20/4 | AIC (English), 9:00 - 13:00, Kounicova 13 | more |
23/4 | Tykadla Club | 10:30-11:30, U0.1 |
23/4 | Tutoring Club | 14:30-16:30, U0.1 |
23/4 | beginning: Czech Language Courses for Beginners (Teenagers) | 16:00-17:30 |
23/4 | Otevřený kurz: Deskové hry | registration from 16/4 |
25/4 | Czech Language Courses for Beginners (Teenagers) | 16:00-17:30 |
25/4 | Theatre workshops – course | U0.1 |
26/4 | AIC (English), 13:00 - 17:00, Kounicova 13 | more |
29/4 | Youth Club Meetings | 16:15-18:15, U0.1 |
29/4 | Workshop: Spring decorating | registration from 15/4 |
30/4 | Tykadla Club | 10:30-11:30, U0.1 |
30/4 | Tutoring Club | 14:30-16:30, U0.1 |
30/4 | Czech Language Courses for Beginners (Teenagers) | 16:00-17:30 |