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Workshop of making KAZAKHI MANTI

We would like to invite you to the workshop of making KAZAKHI MANTI. You will learn the recipe and the preparation of traditional filled dumplings from Kazakhstan. A native Kazakhstani will be leading the workshop. This activity is for adults of any nationality.

When? 22. 2. 2023 16:00 – 18:00

Where? Centre for Foreigners JMK, Kounicova 13

The number of places is limited, you must register lower on this page.

Projekt „Provoz centra pro cizince JMK 2022-2023“, reg. č. AMIF/31/02, je financován Evropskou unií v rámci národního programu Azylového, migračního a integračního fondu a rozpočtu Ministerstva vnitra České republiky.  

Basic information

Date: 22. 2. 2023

Centrum pro cizince JMK, Kounicova 13, Brno

Registration is open from 16. 2. 2023 9:00


Fill out the form in Latin letters.